Aquí está lo que el propio Rory ha dicho sobre distintos temas...
Sobre por qué dejó CSI Miami:
Doing a one-hour drama is very long. I'm originally from New York and my family's back here, and a lot of my friends. I felt [the show] was never-ending and the grind was a lot. It's nice being on a hit show and the viewers are very supportive, but I couldn't really take it anymore.
It's hard to sit there and complain when the pay is good and most people make what we make in an episode, in a year. It wasn't a money thing. I didn't like someone having control of my life for most of the year.
It was fine. I don't regret doing it--I learned a lot. I didn't have any complaints about anything other than I just needed some freedom.
Sobre cómo sacaron a Speedle de la trama:
No, I actually thought it was pretty lame to be honest with you. They have all these creative ways that people die [in Miami]. A main character on the show--I thought they could have come up with something a little more imaginative. Getting shot--anybody can think of that.
I suggested something to them. I forgot what it was, but it got shot down. It was like I'm the one who wants to leave, so I couldn't really ask.
And I was like, "Can I at least get to shoot somebody?" And they're like, "nope."
Sobre si mantiene contacto con el cast:
I still keep in touch with those guys. The cast is great. They're funny, nice people. They're great to work with. It didn't have anything to do with anybody involved that I chose to leave. It had to do with the grind and the monotony. It was kind of like Groundhog Day. You get up, go to work, come home, get up go to work go home...it takes a toll on your soul kind of.
Sobre cuando decidió dejar la serie:
Probably in the first season. Everybody could tell I was sort of unhappy [but] I didn't want to bring anyone down. To be honest with you, I'm surprised they let me out [of my contract], but I'm glad they did and I thought that was very gracious of them.
Sobre sus mejores interpretaciones:
I don't want to say, "Wow, I was really awesome in that!" I've enjoyed a few characters that I've played. Again it's nice to just do different things and play different characters.
When you're doing that TV thing, you're doing the same thing for years and years. You can fall into bad habits as an actor and I think it can take a toll on your ability to act, which I think is scary.
I noticed it in my own performance because there were times where I just didn't care if I was good or not, and that scared me.
Sobre si alguna vez hace teatro:
No, I leave that to the real actors.